Tuesday, September 23, 2008

That one was easy…

So, I have already accumulated my $100 for October (Yeah me!!). Turns out I was not maximizing my usage on my cell phone plan (which provides me with unlimited minutes anytime, anywhere in the city). So, I scaled down and managed to transfer/sell my plan to a friend whose family owns a business for $300. Plus, since I was also changing providers I received a $25 credit on my bill, a new phone, car charger, and activation fee for FREE! On top of all that my phone bill should be about $30 less per month. $360 in annual savings!

Yes, I know the value was $300, but as I indicated in other posts, I would consider this a windfall as it was not really planned. I took $100 for my debts, $100 for my meager emergency fund, and the final $100 is currently in limbo until my final bill with provider #1 and my first bill with provider #2 is settled. Everyone knows they always try to get you until the very end, so I have money sitting there to cover those expenses. If I don't use the $100 I'll reassess again.

At least it gives me a headstart to be thinking about November's scheme.

Stats -
Credit Cards to pay - 3
Money earned this month - $100

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