Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When in doubt - eBay...

So I figured that for the first month of my EARN $100 plan I would try the tried and true method of eBay. Apparently the average household has $1,200 worth of merchandise just sitting there waiting to be sold. So I listed everything I could find. After the fees, I listed a value of $71.17 that could go towards my debt (provided everything sells at my minimum price!) A little short of the goal so I will go back to the closet and see if I can rake up another $28.83 of saleable goods. Who knew this would be so difficult!!! Obviously, this does not have any sustainable potential so while I am digging through my closet I will be trying to find a new idea for next month.

Debt balance – same as last time
Credit cards to pay off – 3
“Extra Money” this month - $0 – but I have my fingers crossed

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