Monday, September 15, 2008

My Husband, My "Client"...

After doing some research on debt and relationships I have come the conclusion that I need to treat my husband like a “client.” As I mentioned in a previous post, the reality of our debt never quite sank in for my darling hubby until he saw the results on paper (not unlike many others out there). However, I know if I want this to pay off to work, he needs to be working with me and be fully disclosed as to the entire extent of the damage. So here is the plan:

At the end of every month I will provide my husband with a package. Kinda like a Board of Director’s treasury report. It will detail the following:

a.) What our debt picture looks like. This includes interest rates and balances.
b.) What our debt is costing us. This is the details on the interest we have been charged in the month, and the payments we have made.
c.) A variance analysis on our budget. Where we were over and under for the month.

I think the action of actually putting these things on paper will be very useful. It will help me get a better handle on our debt. Plus, it will let him know that this is serious business, with the details on paper to back it up.

Furthermore, I know that it is partially my fault that I probably do not communicate as effectively as I could about our debt issues. This could be a step in the right direction.

Stats – same as before, but my auctions close tonight.

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