Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Suck it Up" and other lessons...

Panic has officially set in. After pretty much wiping out my cash flow for the next three weeks (boo), I have managed to pay off the tax man (yeah!). We had a hefty sum owing this year, and I am in a very precarious bittersweet scenario in which I have no money, but I have one less monkey on my back.

The panic however, is from my husband and his way of hitting me over the head with reality. This consol loan has now been in the works for months, and he said to me today "it shouldn't take this long -assume it's not going to happen!" This of course is better than the "these things take time, if we would have done this three months ago like I said it would be solved by now" attitude from last month.

So on comes the panic. It's good, I need a bit of a wake up call, as I have left my budget and repayment plan on auto pilot for the last couple months (not in a good way) to wait for this loan to materialize, but alas I think I must return to the drawing board. I have to get reacquainted with our debt situation and devise a new plan for payoff, and getting those freakin' interest rates down. If the loan happens; bonus.

Lessons learned:

- no one is going to pay your debt for you, just deal with it. However, if there are still knights in shining armor (with big wallets), CALL ME!
-banks are not the enemy, but they can sure piss you off sometimes
-getting money loaned to you kinda requires that you have money already
-never, EVER, lose control of your repayment plan. I haven't done the tally, but I think that I am in a worse boat then when I started.
- the further you are from getting what you want, the more you want it.

This weekend will definitely be another long overdue wake up call. Fun times!

I'll let you know how it goes. If you have something more depressing to do this weekend, let me know. I might perk up a bit.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Diet Tips That Save You Money...

With summer fast approaching, a girl's mind goes to one thing. Get bikini body ready and looking freakin' hot at all those summer events (weddings, parties, bbq's, etc.)

I have never been much of a dieter, due mainly to a lack of discipline (might explain the debt problem too), so I just try to trim and make better choices instead of following a specific diet. From this strategy I've noted a couple diet tips that will keep off the calories, and keep the cash in your wallet.

1. Order water. Many diets suggest not "drinking your calories," by drinking water at meals. Not only is this an easy calorie reducer, it will save you a ton of cash. Assuming the average person eats at a restaurant once a week (yeah- a little conservative I know), and a beverage cost an average of $1.50, then you would save you $78 a year. Times this by the amount of times you actually eat out and see the savings increase.

2. Shrink your "fix." Some people have coffee, I'm a slurpee and iced cappucino junkie. One thing I've tried is to buy the smallest size. This still allows me to have what I want, curbs the craving, reduces my calroie intake from these treats, and saves money as the small costs less. Sure it might only be twenty cents, but figure that out by how many times you actually have these things and it could be a modest dinner out by the end of the year.

3. Be a kid again. One way to save money and help with portion control is to order the kids meal. Portions are more reasonable, and you these meals generally cost less (some are even cheaper if you decline the toy). Disclaimer: Check your pricing. Sometimes fast food restaurant value items can be cheaper and about the same size as a kids meal.

4. Walk. This goes without saying, but exercise will always help you lose weight, but it can also be a great money saver. One summer I decided to walk home from work (too sweaty to walk to work) every day that I could. Based on the amount of money I spent on the bus, I saved $150 in 3 months, and with the 1 hour and 15 minute walk (only 5 minutes longer than my bus ride), I dropped a couple pounds and had a great a**. This also cuts down on gas and parking if you drive. Granted this is not reasonable for every location, but you can always walk to the store, out to restaurants, or anywhere else that is within walking distance.

These may only be a few little pointers, but a little goes a long way.Use your savings to by some new clothes when you drop a few pounds.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

On a roll...

In an effort to re vamp my site, I want to update my blog roll. If there is anyone in my boat (debt up to their eyeballs), that would like to be included, please post a comment with your site and I will check it out.

I have already discovered some new (to me anyway) and exciting blogs that I have been following during my time away that I will be including, but if anyone wants some exposure, I would love to read about your struggle.

Misery loves company, so comment away!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Back...but a little disgruntled

I'm back!!!! I know it has been awhile, but with frustration comes apathy. When I last wrote the hubby and I were in hot pursuit of a consolidation loan to lessen the cash flow burden of our debt. I had planned, once this was resolved to come back with a fresh new strategy for payback, and hopefully a new lease on my problem.

Two months later...still waiting. It is infuriating. We have been at this for over two months and we still don't have an answer as to whether we are getting the loan or not! If they at least gave us an answer one way or the other I could plot my next move and get on with things, but right now I am in limbo.

First off when we went in, it didn't seem like it would be a big deal, so I started paying the minimums on my cards, afterall I didn't want to put a lot of my cash on my debt just to have it paid off in a lower rate lump sum a couple days later.

So now I am behind on my credit card payments (not my minimums, my repayment plan minimums) and I am scared to touch any of my credit for fear that my loan with get denied. Seems like a vicious cycle.

Apply for loan to get out of credit cycle and increase cash flow...have cash flow crunch waiting for approval...can't use credit to alleviate crunch (even though available) since waiting for approval.


But on a happier note, I'm happy to be back and will be posting regularly again, as well as updating my blog site.

Hope you all hang around for the drama.