Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bringing My Banter to the World...

I love eHow. I don't know how many things I have discovered, learned, and researched on this lovely little platform. Problem is that as a foreigner I can contribute all I want, but they will not pay me. (boo!!!) I therefore figure, what the heck is the point of contributing then if my two cents isn't even worth two cents.

However, I have come across another program that does a similar thing; Bukisa. Okay so Bukisa isn't as fabulous as eHow, but it does have it's charms and it pays foreigners (yeah!). Deal is you write a how to article (or review, or upload a photo, video or slide show) and Bukisa pays you a portion of their revenues for hits on your article (or other medium).

I did my research and there appears to be good and bad:


  • will payout through paypal, with as little as a $10 minimum
  • gives you more outlets then just how to's
  • has a referral system, so if another contributor signs up under your suggestion, you are paid for everytime your contributor gets paid - up to three layers
  • based on research Bukisa does not come up when you type in "Bukisa"and "scam"
  • they pay non-US residents!!!
  • a bigger audience to listen to my ramblings


  • not as well known as eHow, thus less traffic
  • due to the set up and promotion of the site you have to contribute more regularly to generate significant hits

So here is the plan: I just signed up for my account and have submitted 3 articles. No hits yet, it's only been an hour. But I was reading a post on http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ in which the blogger submitted 5 articles per day to eHow for one month, and tracked her earnings and then did nothing for the following month to see if her efforts paid off. My thoughts were that 1.) This is a pretty neat idea, and 2.) who the heck has time to write 5 articles a day, let alone come up with 150 ideas in 30 days.

So I am going to try to submit 1 article per day for a month and see how it goes, then cut back a bit to see how the program works. The blogger above made $20 in the first month, $90 in the second, and $100 in the third. As Bukisa is far less travelled, my ambitions are much lower at hoping to make $120 in the next year ($10 per month - starting June 1). If I actually make any money I pledge to put it all on debt. Granted it may not be much, but at least it's something. The interest clock stops after every dollar you pay after all.

If anyone out there is interested in this program, join and see how you do. If you want click the link below and it will be noted that you referred to the program by me. It doesn't affect your own network of contributor, but it sure would do me a favor. It can be your way of help me pay off my debt, without actually having to give me money. Warm fuzzies for everyone!!


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