Friday, April 24, 2009

Back...but a little disgruntled

I'm back!!!! I know it has been awhile, but with frustration comes apathy. When I last wrote the hubby and I were in hot pursuit of a consolidation loan to lessen the cash flow burden of our debt. I had planned, once this was resolved to come back with a fresh new strategy for payback, and hopefully a new lease on my problem.

Two months later...still waiting. It is infuriating. We have been at this for over two months and we still don't have an answer as to whether we are getting the loan or not! If they at least gave us an answer one way or the other I could plot my next move and get on with things, but right now I am in limbo.

First off when we went in, it didn't seem like it would be a big deal, so I started paying the minimums on my cards, afterall I didn't want to put a lot of my cash on my debt just to have it paid off in a lower rate lump sum a couple days later.

So now I am behind on my credit card payments (not my minimums, my repayment plan minimums) and I am scared to touch any of my credit for fear that my loan with get denied. Seems like a vicious cycle.

Apply for loan to get out of credit cycle and increase cash flow...have cash flow crunch waiting for approval...can't use credit to alleviate crunch (even though available) since waiting for approval.


But on a happier note, I'm happy to be back and will be posting regularly again, as well as updating my blog site.

Hope you all hang around for the drama.

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