Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Karma...

I'm sure everyone has heard the phase, "Mind the pennies and the dollars will follow," or some sort of variant of this. Well I am starting to think this is true.

Since our financial life has started to click (by this I mean, we are not racking up new credit card debt, we are staying within budget, and we are actually making extra payments), money has been coming in hand over fist!!!

Sure, most of it is money that we kind of knew maybe coming, but it has been a rare day in the last couple of weeks that a trip to the mailbox has not produced at least one cheque. Furthermore, the hubby has been making some side cash. I actually went to the bank 3 times in one day to deposit money as it just kept coming.

Granted it is only small amounts at a time, but it's really been helping out. I just hope it keeps up.

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