Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Post holiday debt hangover...

So we did well by spending mostly cash this year but we are still in the "I'm never spending again" phase of January. Credit cards bills are coming in, and although the balances haven't really increased, we now have more time to reflect (read: dwell) on the havoc that is our debt.

Plus, January is always our lowest income month so the belt just gets tighter and tighter making this miserable month more so, trying to avoid a budget shortfall and not having a spare dime for anything other than food, housing and debt payments.

It's been incredibly cold here, so we have been hermiting in our house for the last week and that seems to be okay on the budget, but terrible on the psyche. I think I am going a little stir crazy. Granted I have a mile long list of projects to do around here the house, but I have acquired a general malaise, and housework (however satisfying in the long run) is not exactly on my mind.

Oh well! Once the year starts to pick up again I will definitely be in better spirits and hopefully hit the ground running on those goals I talked about last week.

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