Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thanks, but no thanks...

So as I promised I looked into the Quicken Online program. It looks great!! There are plenty of great features and appears to be very user friendly. The reports are great and populate a whole lot easier then if you tried to do it manually as all of your transactions are already uploaded and categorized for you.

However, there is one small drawback. To set up the software you need to provide your account nunbers to the program so that transactions can be downloaded. I researched the company's security measures and was impressed, but I decided to call my bank anyway. I was assured by the bank manager that if I were to provide my account number to the program and it was somehow accessed by another party I would have no protection on my bank accounts as I had volunteered the information which explicitly goes against my banking agreement.

I know I don't have much in the bank right now, but I don't think it is worth the risk. The tour of the program, however, has given me some ideas on how to track my finances better myself.

Oh well, at least I learned something!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I use Quicken online and have been doing so since May without problems. I think there is also a program called mint that offers extra functions. Quicken doesn't allow you to break your purchases down into more than one code. (ie. household and groceries). I started using mvelopes. You can get the link from my site. But, its 13.00 per month. I am still in the free trial and haven't decided to keep it or not yet.